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Coexisting with VPNs

In many ways, Codezero works like a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Unlike a VPN however, Codezero only handles traffic related to services in a Teamspace. If you wish to operate a VPN while using Codezero, this guide will walk you through ensuring both coexist without interfering with each other.

In a VPN setup, the integration of a Domain Name System (DNS) is not strictly necessary but is commonly implemented to enhance functionality and user experience. Codezero needs to be able to create Virtual Interfaces for services running in the Teamspace and register DNS records for these interfaces.

Codezero has two Resolver implementations, one which is a full fledged in-memory Split DNS and another that is a Hosts resolver that modifies local resolver files. If your VPN comes with a DNS, and most do for privacy reasons, you many not have to do anything as the Hosts Resolver is now the default resolver mechanism for Codezero. This guide is here so administrators can ensure Codezero is not interfering with the VPN and that the VPN is in-turn not interfering with Codezero.

Changing the Resolver

Use the following commands to change the DNS Resolver. Be sure to stop Codezero before making this change.

czctl stop
czctl options set resolver <TYPE>
czctl start

You may choose from hosts or dns

Hosts Resolver (default)

The Hosts resolver adds DNS entries to the /etc/hosts file that is part of most Linux implementations. On Windows, Codezero modifies the appropriate Windows hosts file which in turn, propagates entries for the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

If you look at your /etc/hosts/ file, you will see entries between the following markers

# This section is managed by Codezero. Do not edit manually.

Modifying the markers or the content between the markers could make Codezero malfunction.

Most VPNs leave the /etc/hosts file alone and therefore, this is the safest method if you use VPNs often.

DNS Resolver

The Split DNS resolver registers a local DNS Server on Like all DNS Servers, this one runs on port 53. This DNS syncs with kube-dns in the current Teamspace in real time. As services are added and removed in the underlying Kubernetes cluster, DNS entries are added in memory. There are no files modified on your system in this method and it may perform faster if you have a large number of namespaces or services.

The Codezero Daemon will register this DNS on all local interfaces and will make the current DNS for each interface the fallback DNS for all requests that do not match services in the Kubernetes cluster.

VPNs may override this DNS registration and therefore, break Codezero. If you wish to use the DNS Resolver together with a VPN, you may have to experiment with the the order in which the VPN and Codezero are started.

Unfortunately, aggressive VPNs may override the interface DNS settings irrespective of whether they are started first or second in which case, the Hosts resolver should work.